Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Michael Rubinger delivers keynote at International Housing Conference

Michael Rubinger delivers keynote at international housing conference

23 Jun 2010

Michael Rubinger, LISC’s President and CEO, delivers keynote address at Housing 2010 Conference & Exhibition, an international housing forum sponsored by the Chartered Institute of Housing in England.

On the second day of the conference, which was focused on local empowerment—Our communities: Improving lives through provision, performance and empowerment. How do we engage and empower communities?—Rubinger delivered a speech about the importance of community and local participation in revitalization efforts.

He spoke of how local and resident engagement plays out in the United States and with LISC. “Experience tells us that decisions about what needs to be done and how it needs to be done should be made by those with the most to gain or lose from the outcome, stated Rubinger. That includes not just residents, but local business-owners; schools; social services agencies; and elected leaders, among others.”

LISC’s role, he noted, is to provide expertise, training, and financing to local community groups and projects, emphasizing the need to strengthen local leadership, capacity and networks. “It's about how new relationships among local organizations and residents create a powerful neighborhood platform to raise the level of effort, and sustain the work for the long haul.”

The Chartered Institute of Housing Annual Conference and Exhibition is the leading social and affordable housing event in the UK, bringing together housing associations, ALMO’s and local authorities together with the private and voluntary sectors. The conference is exploring the key national issues facing the housing sector, share best practice, and debate solutions to current and future challenges. The conference exhibition focuses on the provision of social and affordable housing and the development of sustainable communities.

The event, held June 22-24, 2010, is the biggest and best attended event in the UK as it brings together more than 5,000 housing professionals, together with over 300 key suppliers all under one roof.

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