Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I have high hopes for this blog as I move forward. I have never considered myself a writer, a good writer at that. I always was either highly approved of in English/writing courses, or terrible dreaded and unsuccessful and meeting the teachers desired writing styles.

For now I am simply going to begin accumulating articles that inspire me, align with my principles, or push the ideas and concepts of sustained communities farther. Eventually, or in addition to collecting pertinent articles I will begin to either reflect on the articles posted, or hopefully, eventually begin to write my own articles that could maybe inspire and be helpful to others in the community.

The title of the blog "And no message could have been any clearer" is in reference to "The man in the mirror" by the beloved Michael Jackson, explaining the basic concept that I believe anything I find will ultimately boil down to, that it starts with each individual making a change, a society as a whole can push change, and there are many elements in which government and organizations assist and foster sustainable principles, however, the key to the success of any of the existing or future plans, is the individuals, the base for society. Those are the key stake holders that we need to "buy in" to innovative or basic life changes that can make a larger impact.

We shall see as this blog develops, as I am sure I continue to grow professional this blog may be able to document the change and impact "experience" has on my thoughts, beliefs, and practices of engaging community members and individuals to care, and to act, as well as influence policy makers to adjust "age old" practices to be flexible, applicable, and inviting to the everyday citizen.

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