Wednesday, October 20, 2010

OUT-reach and Educate on Purchasing Power

As I sit and ponder what can I do to help make a difference in the world I am in, in the world the next generation will live in I end up on tangents of spectacular plans, ideas, and concepts. There are great innovations occurring all around the world; in energy production, resource recycling, and over all system restructuring of business processes is occurring. Many people may believe that this is happening because there is hype building now on "green", and companies and brands are jumping on the bandwagon. In a way I find this true. There are many many "green-washing" marketing ploys going on right now for this very reason, however, I believe this is only a part of the story, and there is a great amount of good going on as well.

The honest truth is obvious, companies want to turn a profit, and sustain their brand and product in the market as long as possible,they are out to meet the companies bottom line. In order to reach this bottom line of an income there are external forces that shape all company products and services, one of the strongest most underplayed elements is consumers purchasing power, that is the consumers ability to change the market and products themselves by demanding better and more, and usign there money to show it.

Companies change because their consumers tell them what is not working or could be improved in future products, or they stop buying a product. Companies adapt to a changing and demanding market. Without this, they would not survive. I believe there has always been conscience consumers, but I think the number of consumers that are becoming educated and knowledge about the products they purchase has grown.
Companies that continue to adapt and address consumers concerns and requests have continued and will continue to grow and flourish. Companies that have already been aware of there environmental and humanity efforts to be responsible and respectful are gaining customers on that fact alone. Being a responsible, kind, community oriented and real person is good for consumers relations, business profits, and the environment. There is a sense in pride from consumers using products they are knowledgeable about, and proud to be using, which in return, will increase word of mouth marketing, and again - increase business. Businesses like TOMS, local CSA's (community supported agriculture), Patagonia, Home Building products from sustainable resources, etc have all existed in some capacity before it was necessarily marketable to produce something that gives back or  is better for others and the environment, as well as the consumer.

These brands, companies and services have been able to highlight the good that they do while providing a solid good product. You can not sustain a business just because its green, it has to be a good service or product AND be sustainable and giving back. Why are companies doing this? Some have done it because those that developed the company already had in mind they wanted to be socially and environmentally responsible, but increasingly we are seeing more and more businesses, big and small alike, give back to the communities they are in, think about where they get things, and find ways to do things better for those in and around the community they service. Why would they do this if it was not in their original business goals and plans? Simple... Consumer Demand.

Not all people are aware of their purchasing power, but I feel consumers are increasingly becoming aware of the degree to which their purchasing power effects the products developed for them, and they are telling businesses what they want. If the demand is there, someone will find an answer, develop a product, and turn a profit, the consumers must ask for it, demand it, and put their foot down for what they will and will not support.

 I understand many people simply do not know and have never thought about how what they buy impacts things, and for this reason, I can not get mad. I, as someone that knows, need to take this knowledge (both of what I know, and that there are people that do not know) and do something about it. I could sit around, do my own thing, tread lightly, buy locally, etc, but I have the capability and the capacity to educate and outreach.

I do not need to preach, I do not need to tell people they are wrong and that they can not do what they are doing. I do have the ability to plant a seed, and to water the seed, and make sure I live in a way that shows it can be done, and that it can work to benefit me and others. If you plant a seed in someones brain, simply showing them how to think about things by asking them questions, "Hey where is that Wine from? Is it local?" "I got all my veggies from the farmers market this week... its great to know where they come from and support the local community".  This opens the dialog to discuss it, without imposing. You are not telling them to do anything, but you are educating about the choices you are making, it can spur them to consider it, invite them to come with you, have a conversation about this very article.

Look at the examples of where companies have taken notice of consumer demand, or consumer purchasing power... is there something you use to buy that is no longer offered? Why is this, maybe because you where the only one buying it? Because there was a better, more environmentally and humane product out there to replace it?

I know I live within a community, and surround myself with like-minded individuals, so sometimes I, as everyone does on occasion, forget that not everyone knows everything they know, and some things that seem like common sense to me, are not in fact common every day knowledge to others. It is our job to educate, to reach out and provide the knowledge to other, in and outside of everyday connections. Education and outreach is the only way to make successful, wide spread change. 

People wanting a quick answer will find it, the Internet and professionals alike have continued to provide knowledge and answers for those that are looking, that know they are trying to find a solution. The people that do not look are the ones that can make the biggest difference and can make larger shifts and changes, the people that do not know what purchasing power is, or how it can make a difference.

You can wait around for someone to ask you about what you know, or you can OUT-reach and educate, its not called Inreach *wink.

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